編號 | 中文名稱 | 英文名稱 |
CWA 14248-2001 | funStep(家具產品和商務數據) funStep應用活動模型(AAM) | funStep (Furniture Product and Business Data) - funStep Application Activity Model, AAM |
EN 1021-1-1993 | 家具 裝璜家具易燃性的評估 第1部分:火源 燃著的香煙 | Furniture; Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture; part 1: ignition source: smouldering cigarette (ISO 8191-1:1987, modified) |
EN 1021-2-1993 | 家具 裝潢家具易燃性的評估 第2部分:火源 火柴的火焰當量 | Furniture; assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture; part 2: ignition source: match flame equivalent (ISO 8191-2:1988, modified) |
EN 1022-1996 | 居室家具 坐椅 穩(wěn)定性的測試 | Domestic furniture - Seating - Determination of stability |
EN 1023-1-1996 | 辦公家具 屏風 第1部分:尺寸 | Office furniture - Screens - Part 1: Dimensions |
EN 1023-2-2000 | 辦公家具 屏風 第2部分:機械安全要求 | Office furniture - Screens - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements |
EN 1023-3-2000 | 辦公家具 屏風 第3部分:試驗方法 | Office furniture - Screens - Part 3: Test methods |
EN 1116-1995 | 廚房家具 廚房家具和廚房器具的綜合排列尺寸 | Kitchen furniture - Co-ordinating sizes for kitchen furniture and kitchen appliances |
EN 1129-1-1995 | 家具 折疊床 安全要求和測試 第1部分:安全要求 | Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 1: Safety requirements |
EN 1129-2-1995 | 家具 折疊床 安全要求和測試 第2部分:試驗方法 | Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 2: Test methods |
EN 1130-1-1996 | 家具 家用嬰兒床和搖籃 第1部分:安全要求 | Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements |
EN 1130-2-1996 | 家具 家用嬰兒床和搖籃 第2部分:試驗方法 | Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Part 2: Test methods |
EN 1153-1995+AC-1996 | 廚房家具 固定和活動廚柜和工作頂柜的安全要求和試驗方法 | Kitchen furniture - Safety requirements and test methods for built-in and free standing kitchen cabinets and work tops / Note: To be replaced by prEN 14749 (2003-08). |
EN 12522-1-1998 | 家具可搬動性 私用家具搬運 第1部分:服務規(guī)范 | Furniture removal activities - Furniture removal for private individuals - Part 1: Service specification |
EN 12522-2-1998 | 家具可搬動性 私用家具搬運 第2部分:服務條款 | Furniture removal activities - Furniture removal for private individuals - Part 2: Provision of service |
EN 12528-1998 | 腳輪和輪子 家具用腳輪 要求 | Castors and wheels - Castors for furniture - Requirements |
EN 12529-1998 | 腳輪和輪子 家具用腳輪 轉椅用腳輪 要求 | Castors and wheels - Castors for furniture - Castors for swivel chairs - Requirements |
EN 12720-1997 | 家具 表面耐冷液性能的評定(ISO?。矗玻保保海保梗罚剐抻啠? | Furniture - Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids (ISO 4211:1979 modified) |
EN 12721-1997 | 家具 表面耐濕熱性能的評定(ISO?。矗玻保保玻海保梗梗承抻啠? | Furniture - Assessment of surface resistance to wet heat (ISO 4211-2:1993 modified) |
EN 12722-1997 | 家具 表面耐干熱性能的評定(ISO?。矗玻保保常海保梗梗承抻啠? | Furniture - Assessment of surface resistance to dry heat (ISO 4211-3:1993 modified) |
EN 12727-2000 | 家具 排坐椅 強度和耐用性要求和試驗方法 | Furniture - Ranked seating - Test methods and requirements for strength and durability |
EN 1334-1996 | 家具 床和床墊 測量方法和推薦公差 | Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses - Methods of measurement and recommended tolerances |
EN 13761-2002 | 辦公家具 來賓椅 | Office furniture - Visitors chairs |
文章來源:東莞海達儀器 版權所有,如需轉載請注明來源出處